Naperville, IL-- In response to customer and reseller demand, Palindrome will preview its NetWare Loadable Module version of the industry-acclaimed Network Archivist LAN backup and archiving systems at NetWorld Boston. The NLM version maintains all the award winning features of the DOS-based Network Archivist, including relational database tracking of files and file histories, safe file migration and automated tape management and scheduling. "With the introduction of the Network Archivist NLM, LAN managers can now have the same level of centralized control and automated management that we currently provide in our workstation-based product," said Bob Ingersoll, Vice President of Marketing for Palindrome Corporation. Ingersoll noted that the NLM version showing at NetWorld is currently in beta testing, with a release scheduled for second quarter. "I wouldn't want to speculate prematurely on a shipment date," Ingersoll added. "The product testing is running smoothly, however, and we anticipate no major problems. Any company should be cautious and responsible when porting their products to other environments. We're putting this product through very strenuous testing-- large environments, heavy usage, you name it." Mr. Ingersoll said Palindrome's plans are for a second quarter release of the Network Archivist NLM. "An NLM version of the Network Archivist provides the best of both worlds," said Ron Birchall, Chief Executive Officer of Palindrome Corporation. "Unprecedented NetWare integration, and unmatched management of storage. Whatever functionality we build into the DOS-based version of the Network Archivist, we're committed to porting to the NLM. Both products will move ahead together, giving our customers a choice of environments. But most importantly, the Network Archivist NLM gives Novell users the most sophisticated management features of any backup and archiving system. The NetWare environment is a perfect match for even greater advances in storage management through centralized control." Additional benefits of the Network Archivist NLM is the ability of remote administration of the backup and archiving through Novell's Remote Management Facility. Administrators, regardless of the physical location on the network, have access to the Network Archivist NLM; remote offices running the Network Archivist NLM, for example, may be managed from an offsite location. The Network Archivist NLM maintains full compatibility with the DOS-based version of the product, allowing the two versions of the Network Archivist to interchange tapes or full tape sets. The Network Archivist NLM 2.0f, at release, will support all of Palindrome's family of tape drives-- from the 150 megabyte DC-600 quarter-inch transport to the FAST 5000 AutoLoader. Software-only versions of the NLM will be available for DDS DAT and all 8mm products. Suggested list price for the Network Archivist 2.0f NLM will be $1295. Contact Palindrome Authorized Resellers for availability and pricing. The Network Archivist will be distributed through authorized resellers and to the integrator and value-added reseller channel through Vitek Distributors, Ingram-Micro, Myerlake Enhancement Group and GBC Distributors. -------------------------------------------------------- Naperville, IL-- Palindrome Corporation shipped its first FAST 5000 AutoLoader tape drive, tape-loader and software systems for Novell NetWare LANs today. With an amazing online tape library capacity of over 50 gigabytes, robotic automation of tape loading and rotation, combined with Palindrome's award-winning Network Archivist software, the FAST 5000 AutoLoader is the most sophisticated, automated and intelligent backup, archiving and file restoration system in the NetWare local area network environment. The FAST 5000 AutoLoader provides the following, fully automated features: . Completely unattended backups . Fully automated server and volume restoration . The industry's first automated disaster recovery system. "To fully exploit the automation of a tape-loading system it takes software such as the Network Archivist," said Randy Littleson, Director of Product Management for Palindrome. "No other LAN backup and archiving software and hardware comes close to the automation of this system." Because Palindrome's software has the unique ability to track files and file histories through its relational databases, the totally unattended rotation of tapes for backups is possible. "The Network Archivist has, since day one, prompted the user to insert the proper tape. Using the FAST 5000 AutoLoader with version 2.0e of the Network Archivist, the software knows where the tapes are, so it instructs the robotic loader to select and insert the right tape. It then performs the backup," said Littleson. "The real advantage in large environments, though, is the automation of full server-- even multiple server-- restores; user error is eliminated with the FAST 5000 AutoLoader, and regardless of which tapes are required, the loader and the Network Archivist 2.0e bring the data back to its original state." Single or multiple file restores are equally easy-- the software knows, with its continually updated database, where every file and file version resides on tape. Once a user has selected a file for restore, the FAST 5000 AutoLoader picks the right tape and brings the file back. By using MHS as a transport for commands to and from the Network Archivist, any user on the network can send backup or restore requests to the Network Archivist via e-mail and have them carried out. A user, for example, could e-mail the user "Network Archivist" to RESTORE F:\user\Sam\myfile.*; the AutoLoader, with provided utility files, can perform the request without human intervention and e-mail a confirmation to the user. The use of MHS as a transport with the Palindrome AutoLoader is fully detailed in a Palindrome Application note, available on request. "It is important to note," said Ron Birchall, Palindrome's Chief Executive Officer, "that the FAST 5000 AutoLoader is a forerunner of things to come from Palindrome. This is a major step in the evolution of completely automated data management solutions. This product is a clear statement on the company's vision, leadership and commitment to delivering quality business innovations." At the heart of the FAST 5000 AutoLoader is a 5 gigabyte, 8mm fast-access tape drive. The AutoLoader mechanism is an Exabyte 10i with a tape magazine capable of holding 10 datagrade tapes. Autoloader software may be purchased separately; although the initial release exclusively supports the Exabyte 10i autoloader, subsequent releases of the AutoLoader Option will support a variety of automated media handlers, including NLM drivers for the forthcoming Network Archivist NLM. By the end of first quarter 1992, Palindrome will also be shipping the FAST 2000 AutoLoader, a DDS DAT system with a 12 cartridge capacity. The FAST 2000 AutoLoader has all the functionality and features of the FAST 5000 AutoLoader, but single-tape capacity is limited to 2 gigabytes, as the unit is configured with a 2 gigabyte DAT drive. The FAST 5000 AutoLoader is now shipping to Palindrome customers. Suggested list price for AutoLoader and AutoLoader software, 5 gigabyte 8mm drive, Network Archivist Software 2.0e and all documentation is $23,975. A fully configured FAST 2000 DAT-based AutoLoader will have a suggested list price of 18,975 Palindrome's AutoLoader software is available separately for $995. FAST 5000 AutoLoader hardware-only systems are $19,995, FAST 2000 will be $14,995. The FAST 5000 and 2000 AutoLoader systems and AutoLoader Option software are available exclusively through Palindrome Strategic Authorized Resellers. Call Palindrome at 708-505-3300 for dealer information. -------------------------------------------------------- Naperville, IL-- Beginning with release 2.0d of the Network Archivist, all Palindrome products fully support all Adaptec 16-bit SCSI adapter cards. "Our customers deserve options," said Randy Littleson, Palindrome's Director of Product Management. "Adaptec is a recognized leader in SCSI-bus technology. Our customers now have a wider choice when configuring our tape systems." The FAST 150,1300, 2200 and 5000 tape systems sold now and already in the field can upgrade to any of the 16 or 32-bit Adaptec cards if they are already running version 2.0d or later of the Network Archivist. "We expect this support to have significant impact in overseas sales of our product," said Bob Ingersoll, Vice President of Marketing for Palindrome. "Most of our distributors in Europe deal heavily in Adaptec products." All Palindrome documentation now reflects support for the Adaptec products with a supplemental installation guide which walks the user through upgrading or first-time installation of the Adaptec controller. The Adaptec Installation Supplement [Palindrome part number 0-DOC-ADAPTEC-A] is available directly from Palindrome for users who wish to upgrade their current drive systems. Palindrome's new FAST 5000 and 2200 AutoLoader systems, NetWare's only fully automated robotic tape systems, also fully support Adaptec controllers. The following is a list of supported Adaptec controllers: AHA-1510 AT, 16-bit AHA-1520/22 AT, 16-bit AHA-1540B AT, 16-bit, Bus Master AHA-140 AT, 16-bit, Bus Master AHA-1740 EISA, 16 or 32-bit, Bus Master Palindrome Corporation develops, markets and supports data management and protection systems for local area networks. Palindrome's first product, The Network Archivist, introduced in January 1989, represents a new class of software that uses a rules-based expert system integrated with an on-line relational database to provide the expertise and procedures for insuring the protection, archiving and management of network data. The Network Archivist furnishes users with a comprehensive, automated approach that determines how and when data is backed up, safely migrates dormant files from the server hard disk, manages the tape rotation schedule and tracks backup data for speedy recovery. In addition to software kits for 8mm 2.2 and 5 gigabyte Exabyte tape drive and 4mm DDS DAT drives, the Network Archivist products are available in complete 250/150 megabyte, 2 gigabyte DAT, 2.2 and 5 gigabyte 8mm drive and software configurations. Palindrome can be reached at: 708-505-3300 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+